DREAM is a rebrand project for Rice Dream. With this consistent, modern identity, I hope to combat the misconceptions often aimed at plant-based milks, and show that they can fit just as easily into the consumer's routine as any cow's milk.
Problems: Rice Dream’s old branding struggled to convey the appeal of the product. The current market for plant-based milks is catching quickly to very compelling, modern design, and Rice Dream’s old logo and packaging were falling behind in this sense.
Solutions: This new and improved modern image pushes this product to the forefront of plant-based milks, providing a simple, fluid, clean design that reflects the traits of the milk inside. A field of white against flowing lines of color creates a sense of buoyancy and lightness that draws the eye and, by extension, captures the taste buds.
» SPRING 2021
Karen Dorff
Andrea Garoutte